WebSnaps.co - Website Screenshot Capture | URL Thumbnail Generator de Social Media, Marketing Online, TICs | Scoop.it 

- Ver más en:WebSnaps.co - Website Screenshot Capture | URL Thumbnail Generator de Social Media, Marketing Online, TICs | Scoop.it
WebSnaps.co is a thumbnail generator that allows you to capture, store, and display screenshots of any URL. URLs are easily turned into useable images for your own online application, or to simply store as records in your online account. Display your URL screenshots online with simple HTML that can be inserted into any website, or maintain a library of captured images. Other terms for websnaps include: thumbnails, thumbnail generator, web thumbs, website snapshots, screen grabs, URL snapshots.
- Ver más en:WebSnaps.co - Website Screenshot Capture | URL Thumbnail Generator de Social Media, Marketing Online, TICs | Scoop.it